
آذر ۲۲, ۱۴۰۰

This article shows how to set up your blog, using Blogger, so that it looks like your posts are on separate web-pages.

Can you put Posts onto Pages in Blogger?

Ever since Google introduced "pages" into Blogger, people have complained that their posts all go onto the "home page", and asked how to put posts onto different pages in their blog.

The standard, but unsatisfactory, answer is

"Sorry, that's not how Blogger works.   So called "static" pages in Blogger are meant to be used for reference information that doesn't change often, which you don't want to be part of your regular post-feed, but which you do want users to have easy access to."

Basically, this is part of 
the difference between post and pages.

Luckily it's easy to set up your blog so that it looks like your posts are on different pages [tweet this]    (even though you and I know that this isn't how Blogger works) by following three simple steps.

Follow these steps to put your posts into pages

1   Add Categories

Categorise your posts by adding Labels to them.

It's your choice whether to add Labels to all posts, or just the ones that you want to show up on specific "pages".

2 Make a "pages look alike" menu bar

There are (at least) are three ways of doing this - described below.

When Blogger first implemented static pages that could link to websites, I suggested choosing which ever option suited your blog best.

However now, due to the increasing importance of mobile themes, I recommend Option c), because the pages-gadget is the only one mentioned that automatically shows upon mobile-themes.

a)   With a Labels Gadget    

Use the usual add-a-gadget approach to put a Labels gadget into the spot where you would put the Pages gadget if you wanted to make a horizontal menu bar with it.

If your blog has some Labels that you don't want to have "pages" for, then set it to show only some of your Labels:

b)  With a Linked-list gadget

Use the usual add-a-gadget approach to put a Link-list gadget where you would put the Pages gadget if you wanted to make a horizontal menu bar with it.
Add a link to the list for each Label that you want a "page" for.   The HTML to use for each Label value is


You can also add other items (eg individual Posts, or even Bllogger's static "pages" if you really must have them - see why I don't like them!) - see the menu bar at the top of this site for an example of this. 


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